
The way to a heart of a man

The way to a man's heart is through his feet(but you need a long knife).


Once some boys got together to play poker...

Once some boys got together to play poker one night, after about 4 hours of playing, Tim had severe chest pains and suddenly slumped over, one of the...


Why a man cannot eat like a bird?

Why can't a man eat like a bird?Have you ever tried to pick up food with your pecker?Sent by Chris


Why do men like blonde jokes??

Why do men like blonde jokes?? Because they can understand them.


How many men does it take to pop popcorn?

How many men does it take to pop popcorn? Three. One to hold the pan and two to show off and shake the stove.


How many men does it take to change a roll of toilet paper?

How many men does it take to change a roll of toilet paper? - No one knows. Its never happened.


There was three guys, one with a rubber...

There was three guys, one with a rubber dick, one with a wooden dick,and one with a nine foot dick.The guy with the rubber dick couldn't have sex because it...


Alcohol vs Women

A guy says, "I remember the first time I used alcohol as a substitute for women.""Yeah what happened?" asked the other.The first guy replies, "Well, I got my...


Fatherly feelings

One night a wife found her husband standing over their baby's crib. Silently she watched him. As he stood looking down at the sleeping infant, she saw on his...


What is a mans idea of foreplay?

What's a man's idea of foreplay? -A half-hour of begging.