Computing Jokes
The Ten Commandments for C Programmers
|1. Thou shalt run lint frequently and study its pronouncements with care, for verily its perception and judgement oft exceed thine. 2. Thou shalt not follow...
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Programming language acronyms
|ADA: A Dumb ArrangementADA: A Dumb AcronymADA: A Dumb AnnoyanceBASIC: Boring And Shamelessly Idiotic CodersBASIC: Badly Assembled, Severely Illogical...
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If IBM ran Christmas...
|They would want one big Santa, dressed in blue, where kids queue up for their present-processing. Receiving presents would take about 24-36 hours of...
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If Microsoft ran Christmas...
|Each time you bought an ornament, you would have to buy a tree as well. You wouldn't have to take the tree, but you still have to pay for it anyway....
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If Apple ran Christmas...
|It would do everything the Microsoft ornaments do, but years earlier, and with a smaller mouse (not stirring of course).
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If Silicon Graphics ran Christmas...
|Ornaments would be priced slightly higher, but would hang on the tree remarkably quickly. Also the colors of the ornaments would be prettier than most all...
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If Fisher Price ran Christmas...
|"Baby's First Ornament" would have a hand-crank that you turn to hang the thing on the tree.
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If The Rand Corporation ran Christmas...
|The ornaments would be large perfectly smooth and seamless black cubes. Christmas morning there would be presents for everyone, but no one would know what...
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If the NSA ran Christmas...
|Your ornaments would have a secret trap door that only the NSA could access in case they needed to monitor your tree for reasons of national security.
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