Computing Jokes
If Hewlett-Packard ran Christmas...
|They would market the Reverse Polish Ornament, which is put in your attic on the weekend after Thanksgiving, and placed out for viewing the day after the...
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If Sony ran Christmas...
|Their Personal Xmas-ing Device, which would be barely larger than an ornament and flat, would allow you to celebrate the season with a device attached...
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If the Franklin Mint ran Christmas...
|Every month, you would receive another lovely hand-crafted item from an authentic Civil War pewter ornament collection. Each ornament would weight about...
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If Cray ran Christmas...
|The holiday season would cost $16 million but would be celebrated faster than any other holiday during the year.
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If Thinking Machines ran Christmas...
|You would be able to hang over 64,000 ornaments on your tree (all identical) at the same time.
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If Timex ran Christmas...
|The holiday would be cheap, small, quartz-crystal driven, and would let you take a licking and keep on shopping.
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If Radio Shack ran Christmas...
|he staff would sell you ornaments, but not know anything about them or what they were for. Or you could buy parts to build your own tree.
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If University of Waterloo ran Christmas...
|They would immediately change the name to WatMas.
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Real opcodes
|AAC Alter All CommandsAAD Alter All DataAAO Add And OverflowAAR Alter At RandomAB Add BackwardsABC AlphaBetize CodeABR Add Beyond RangeACC Advance CPU...
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The top ten signs that someone is using your e-mail account
|10. "Honey, why is an 18-wheeler from backing into our driveway?"9. One Secret Service agent is sitting on your head while another is slapping...
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