
Iraqi vs. American

Iraqi vs. American Average Iraqi Has visited the convergence of the Tigris and Euphrates, cradle of the ancient civilization founded by his...


State of Arkansas Residency Application

State of Arkansas Residency Application Name: ________________ (_) Billy-Bob...


Arkansas Governor Application

Arkansas Governor Application First name:___________________Last name(if known):_______________________Address (where you live):Mother's name(list...


The Black Sheep

A missionary is sent into deepest darkest depths of Africa to live with atribe. He spends years with the people, teaching them to read, write andgood...


...And I will do anything for love.

The beautiful secretary of the president of a bank goes on a sight-seeingtour with a very rich African king who was a very importantclient. The client out of...


How do they do it?

How do Amish teenage boys find their sheep in tall grass?Most satisfactory!


Mr. Greenberg was an illiterate immigrant...

Mr. Greenberg was an illiterate immigrant, but he worked hard, saved his pennies, and started a small business. It did well, and soon he had enough money to...


For many years, the border between Poland and Russia...

For many years, the border between Poland and Russia was volatile. Due to a political shift, a farmer found that he was no longer a Russian, but had become...


Application to Live in Kentucky

Application to Live in KentuckyName:__________________________ Nickname:_________________________________CB Handle Model:_____________________...


State of Kentucky 12th Grade Reading Test

State of Kentucky 12th Grade Reading Test TEST #1 TEST #2 TEST #3 TEST #4...