
A hot meal

Two starving homeless men are walking down an empty street in a quiet town.they spy a dead horse on the side of the road and run towards it. the firstman...


The approach of winter

Dec. 8 5:00 p.m. - It's starting to snow, the first of the season, and the wife and I took our buttered rum and sat by the window watching the soft...


I wrote it!

There was this guy walking down the road when he noticed a night clubahead. He went in, went up to the bar and asked for a drink. The bar owner,who was...


ne day, this man, Tony, died...

One day, this man, Tony, died. When he was sent to be judged, he was told that he had committed a sin, and that he could not go to heaven right away. He...


Having the equipment

A couple went on vacation to a resort up north. The husband liked to fish, and the wife liked to read. One morning the husband came back from fishing after...


Three men: a philosopher, a mathematician and an idiot...

Three men: a philosopher, a mathematician and an idiot,were out riding in the car when it crashed into a tree.Before anyone knows it, the three men found...


A photographer from a well known national magazine...

A photographer from a well known national magazine was assigned tocover the fires at Yellowstone National Park.When the photographer arrived, he realized...


Shoe shopping

A man walks into a shoe store... ...and tries on a pair of shoes. "How do they feel?" asks the sales clerk. "Well ... they feel a bit tight." replies the...


Tombstone Epitaph I

Tombstone epitaphOn the grave of Ezekial Aikle in East Dalhousie Cemetery, Nova Scotia:Here liesEzekial AikleAge 102The Good Die Young.


Tombstone epitaph II

Tombstone EpitaphIn a London, England cemetery:Ann MannHere lies Ann Mann,Who lived an old maidBut died an old Mann.Dec. 8, 1767