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What's the difference between Windows 95 and a virus? A virus does something.


Random joke of the day

Q: What goes VROOM, SCREECH,VROOM, SCREECH,VROOM, SCREECH? A: A blonde going through a flashing red light.


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What's the difference between Windows 95 and a virus? A virus does something.


Funny jokes - 50 best jokes

Q: What goes VROOM, SCREECH,VROOM, SCREECH,VROOM, SCREECH? A: A blonde going through a flashing red light.


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The officer shouted orders to a nearby soldier. With considerable bravery, the GI ran directly onto the field of battle, in the line of fire, to...


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"I was married 3 times" explained the man to a newly discovered drinking partner, "and I'll never marry again. My first 2 wives died of eating poison...


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What's the speed limit of sex? 68; at 69 you have to turn around.


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What did the egg say to the boiling water? "How can you expect me to get hard so fast? I just got laid a minute ago."


Computer jokes

A ragged individual stranded for several months on a small desert island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean one day noticed a bottle lying in the...


Computer jokes

This customer comes into the computer store. "I'm looking for a mystery Adventure Game with lots of graphics. You know, something really...