Kids Jokes

Cross mouse cards!

|What do angry rodents send each other at Christmas time?Cross mouse cards!


fit over a bucket!

|What's the hardest part of milking a mouse?Getting it to fit over a bucket!


Hickory hickory dock.

|Hickory hickory dock.The mouse ran up the clockThe clock struck oneBut the rest got away with minor injuries



|What do you call a mouse that can pick up an elephant?Sir!



|What do mice do when they're at home?Mousework!


Three blind mice!

|What have 12 legs, six eyes, three tails and can't see?Three blind mice!


A hamster!

|What is small, furry and smells like bacon?A hamster!


When it's raining cats and dogs!

|When should a mouse carry an umbrella?When it's raining cats and dogs!


A thin mouse!

|What's the definition of a narrow squeak?A thin mouse!


Is there a mouse in the house?

|Is there a mouse in the house?No, but there's a moose on the loose!