Kids Jokes

The newly web game!

|What is a spiders favorite TV show?The newly web game!


Your spinning me a yarn here!

|What did the wife spider say to her husband when he tried to explain why he was late?Your spinning me a yarn here!


tarantula with a rose?

|What do you get if you cross a tarantula with a rose?I'm not sure, but I wouldn't try smelling it!


Why are spiders like tops?

|Why are spiders like tops?They are always spinning!


A spinning wheel!

|What do you call a 100 spiders on a tyre?A spinning wheel!


Four anti road protesters?

|What has 8 legs and likes living in trees?Four anti road protesters?


Darn it!

|What did the spider say when he broke his new web?Darn it!


Paddy long legs!

|What do you call a big irish spider?Paddy long legs!


Strawberry and tarantula jelly!

|What is red and dangerous?Strawberry and tarantula jelly!


A maggot with attitude!

|What's yellow, wiggles and is dangerous?A maggot with attitude!