Kids Jokes

grasshopper with no legs

|What do you call a grasshopper with no legs?A grasshover!


Grasshopper than a cricket

|Why is it better to be a grasshopper than a cricket?Because grasshoppers can play cricket but crickets can't play grasshopper!


A grasshopper with hiccups!

|What is green and can jump a mile in a minute?A grasshopper with hiccups!


Chimney Cricket!

|What is green, sooty and whistles when it rubs its back legs together?Chimney Cricket!


Where would you put an injured insect?

|Where would you put an injured insect?In an antbulance!


stool taken!

|What's an insects best chat up line?Pardon me, but is this stool taken!


A rubbish bin!

|What has four wheels and flies?A rubbish bin!


He just beetled off!

|What happened to the man who turned into an insect?He just beetled off!


A pool table?

|What is green and brown, has four legs and can kill you if it falls out of a tree and lands on you?A pool table?


Stick insects!

|What lives in gum trees?Stick insects!