
What is the difference between a Slut and a Bitch?

What is the difference between a Slut and a Bitch?A Slut sleeps with everyone, a bitch sleeps with everyone but you!


Did you know Sex is a crime?

Did you know Sex is a crime?Its a misdemeanor - The more I miss de meaner I get..


If a light sleeper sleeps lighter with...

If a light sleeper sleeps lighter with the light on,does a hard sleeper sleep harder with a hard on?


Three college students were rapping about who they'd like to be...

Three college students were rapping about who they'd like to be cast off on a desert with. The first one opted for Cindy Crawford. The next one chose Pamela...


What is a man's idea of protected sex?

What is a man's idea of protected sex?A padded headboard.


Two friends met after a long time, and chatted about...

Two friends met after a long time, and chatted about what?s been going on since they last met. One of them had a new girlfriend and the other one asked about...


The definition of amnesia

AMNESIA:Condition that enables a woman who has gone throughlabor to have sex again.


There once was a young Irish woman who went to confession...

There once was a young Irish woman who went to confession. Upon entering the confessional she said, "Forgive me Father, for I have sinned." The priest said,...


A new contraceptive

Aspirin makes a great contraceptive. Jhold it between your knees.


Why is 88 better than 69?

for you girls...Why is 88 better than 69?You get 8 twice.