Most visited jokes

What did the normal baby say to the test tube baby?

What did the normal baby say to the test tube baby?Ha..ha... your dad's a jerk off!


Halloween handouts

|The Top 10 Least Popular Halloween HandoutsSpinach flavored Rice Cakes.Teeth removing TaffyMetamucil in a strawEx-Lax BrowniesCaramel Covered...


Taking the final exam

|Two college basketball players were taking an important final exam. If they failed, they would be on academic probation and not allowed to play in the big...


12 Shots

A guy goes into a bar, orders twelve shots and starts drinking them as fast as he can. The bartender says, "Dang, why are you drinking so fast?" The guy...


Who signed the Declaration of Independence?

A Kentucky teacher was quizzing her students. "Johnny, who signed theDeclaration of Independence?" He said, "Damn if I know." She was a littleput out by...


What is the worst part about getting a lung transplant?

What's the worst part about getting a lung transplant?The first couple of times you cough, its not your phlegm...


An older woman was in the pastoral study...

An older woman was in the pastoral study counceling for her upcoming fourth wedding. "Father," she said, "How am I going to tell my husband that I am...


A novel idea

A guest from some foreign country was bragging that in HIScountry there is 79 different ways to make mad passionate love.Ray listened patiently. "That's...


Why is having a wank like eating McDonald's?

Q: Why is having a wank like eating McDonald's?A: Because it's always exactly the same and afterwards you?.swear you'll never do it again.


Floppy disk care

|By following the instructions below, you should have error-free, long-lasting floppy disks. Never leave diskettes in the disk drive, as data can leak out of...